Knowledge is good only if it is shared. As a mom of four, I have learned to take it day by day working from home, homeschooling 2 children (4,5 yr old), and taking care of 2 little ones (9 months, that I nurse and a 2 yr old that yells very loud!).

It's not easy and yes, there are days when we don't do anything but eat ice cream and watch t.v., but that's the beauty of being able to do it all from home and so we find that motivation again and keep on working for the future.

So here you will find very creative and easy ideas to keep infant and toddlers busy . What it's like to home school kids, and finally support for those who want to earn a living at home. So Enjoy and do me a favor and ask a question if you have one, I would love to help anyone who is in need.

Quick Search for Toddler Ideas, Baby Games, Homeschooling info, and Cooking

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

DASH- Word of the Day- 4 to 5 yr old- week 1

Today's word is DASH
My props were: The beautiful outdoors!
This a fun one.  I was just as excited to do our first outside lesson for the year!

Mandis was asleep this time!
Print this out first... VOCAB PAPER

This time we went outside in the backyard. I had them get in line and run from one side to the other side of the yard. When they got to me again I told them to very slowly walk the same distance. Of course it took a lot longer so I asked, Which one was faster? Running!  Did you know there is another word for running?  So I took out my paper.  Tell me what this word says.  You can tell that Elijah was using his awesome phonics lessons with ABEKA to spell it out.  DASH!
I quickly went into tell them the information since this is word will stick to them faster than any of the words this week because of our activity and what you can do with it. (Always making sure that you say the words we learn through out the week.
Q.  So what does DASH mean? (Point at your ) Wait to see what they say. Here’s the definition:

DEF:  DASH is something you do quickly.
Do we DASH when we: (Mandis kept acting them out. Good moment for her to do some coordination and exercise.)
Hop? They had to think of this one for a sec. Smile 
Here’s the sentence:
I must DASH to the store before it closes.
What do you think she meant by that? Lichis 4yrs. answered….. she had to hurry so it won’t close.
Ok show me how you DASH to the other side of the yard.  Go!!
When do we DASH in our house?  To Church because we are always almost late!  (Elijah) The answers made me realize we are always late to something.
Final question, what is this word… An Adjective, A Noun, or A Verb? Elijah blurted out “VERB!” Lichis was still thinking about it.  It looked as if she was a bit confused, I reminded her that an Adjective is something you describe. A Verb is something you do. Do we DASH or are we DASH? Then she got it.
 THE END------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This was right before quiet time, so it worked out great because they got nice and tired!
Hope you liked this one... let me know what you guys did with this word?


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