Knowledge is good only if it is shared. As a mom of four, I have learned to take it day by day working from home, homeschooling 2 children (4,5 yr old), and taking care of 2 little ones (9 months, that I nurse and a 2 yr old that yells very loud!).

It's not easy and yes, there are days when we don't do anything but eat ice cream and watch t.v., but that's the beauty of being able to do it all from home and so we find that motivation again and keep on working for the future.

So here you will find very creative and easy ideas to keep infant and toddlers busy . What it's like to home school kids, and finally support for those who want to earn a living at home. So Enjoy and do me a favor and ask a question if you have one, I would love to help anyone who is in need.

Quick Search for Toddler Ideas, Baby Games, Homeschooling info, and Cooking

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

GENTLE- Word of the Day- 4 to 5yr old- week 1

Today's word is GENTLE

I took out a baby doll, some blocks, a toy car, a stuffed puppy or bear, and a mirror for this word.

The kids were very excited to see the props.. they wondered what the mirror and blocks had anything to do with each other. Hmmmmm, I wondered too, haha.

Mandis kept looking at herself and making faces with the mirror. She kept distracting me, she's my silly one.

So here is what I started with.
Print this out first...  VOCAB PAPER


I set up the blocks in a way where they can easily fall down. I set the baby doll and stuffed toy next to me and the mirror I gave each one, I was able to find three small ones.  I drove the car into the blocks in a dramatic way.  Do you think that was gentle?

Q.  Who can show me gentle with their hands? (Point at your VOCAB PAPER) Wait to see what they do, mine gently caressed their arms?  What if I gave you a push as I walked next to you? (They gave their wise answers, letting me know I would not be a nice person)  OK, what if I came to you in the night and gave you a soft kiss on the cheek and said, "good night." Would you like that? (Oh they liked this question, this is their favorite part of bedtime chores) 

Let me go ahead and tell you a sentence that will give you a better understanding of GENTLE. But I think you already know what it means.

"The GENTLE teacher spoke softly to the upset child and dried his tears. "
So, why didn't the teacher yell at the student?  (Because he would of cried even more, Elijah said.)

OK, sounds reasonable... now let me tell you the actual definition. PAUSE right the word Adjective on the bottom of  your VOCAB PAPER  paper.  It's an ADJECTIVE. PAUSE What is an ADJECTIVE?  let them answer, even if they're wrong. It's fun to see what they come up with, where their imagination takes them.  Plus if you've gone over this with them, it's awesome to see that they remember.  Can you be or do a ADJECTIVE? Point at the word ADJECTIVE Remember, an ADJECTIVE describes something or a person.  Are we a something or a person? Can I say, Zaida is Gentle?  Can I say  Zaida eats gentle? So (Point at your Vocab Paper) GENTLE is something I AM.

Def:  A GENTLE person is careful not to hurt people or things.

Elijah GENTLY  get the doll and rock her.  (He slowly grabbed the baby doll and started rocking her ever so gently.. he he) Look at your mirrors... make a sad face.... now smile.... would smiling at someone who is sad be a GENTLE thing to do? This is a fun experiment because they get to practice self awareness.  Now get the stuffed bear and show me how you would be GENTLE. (They can play after this and try to practice being gentle.)

While they are playing, here are few questions to ask:

1. Would petting a sick pet be gentle?
2. If you yelled when you don't get your way, would that be gentle? (Which they do aaaaaaa lot)
3. Pushing a friend so you can be first, is that gentle?  (This is great so you can remind them of manners)

THE END------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hope you liked this one... let me know what you guys did with this word?


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