Knowledge is good only if it is shared. As a mom of four, I have learned to take it day by day working from home, homeschooling 2 children (4,5 yr old), and taking care of 2 little ones (9 months, that I nurse and a 2 yr old that yells very loud!).

It's not easy and yes, there are days when we don't do anything but eat ice cream and watch t.v., but that's the beauty of being able to do it all from home and so we find that motivation again and keep on working for the future.

So here you will find very creative and easy ideas to keep infant and toddlers busy . What it's like to home school kids, and finally support for those who want to earn a living at home. So Enjoy and do me a favor and ask a question if you have one, I would love to help anyone who is in need.

Quick Search for Toddler Ideas, Baby Games, Homeschooling info, and Cooking

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Review- Word of the Day- Week 1

So we have finished the week with an awesome start!  Lichis was able to pass her test, so I’m beginning to think, maybe I should move Elijah up and keep these words for Lichis. But I think that will be too much work.  Smile

Here is the review for  CRUNCH, DASH, GENTLE, and ODOR.- Week 1
1. Write the words or have your Word Paper ready and set them out where the kids will be able to point or pick up to show you.
2. Review the words, example:
“When you CRUNCH on carrots, make lots of noise, right?”
“Show me DASH.”  (Lichis runs across the room.)
3. Once you have review the words you begin the testing.  (Have stickers ready.  I told them that once they get 8 questions right, they earn a gum piece. Sugar free of course. Smile )
4. Questions.
Point to the word that describes the skunk’s spray. (odor)
Point to the word that reminds you of a nice person. (gentle)
Point to the word that tells you to run! (dash)
You would do this with a pretzel. (crunch)

I like the sound when I _______ on my carrots. (crunch)
I ______ to the bus stop because I am late! (dash)
The flowers have a nice ________. (odor)
The girl is ________ and does not yell or hit. (gentle)

I _______ on popcorn at the movies. (crunch)
A stinky _______ comes out of the garbage can. (odor)
Make sure you _______ to win the race! (dash)
The _________ teacher has a soft voice and never yells. (gentle)

The dogs DASH when they smell food. (true)
I CRUNCH on yogurt. (false)
The girl is GENTLE because she hits her sister.(false)
An ODOR is something you can see. (false)

How did your week go?  I would love to see what you guys came up with or did.  It’s fun to see our kids learn and help them enlarge this world we live in with knowledge!


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