Knowledge is good only if it is shared. As a mom of four, I have learned to take it day by day working from home, homeschooling 2 children (4,5 yr old), and taking care of 2 little ones (9 months, that I nurse and a 2 yr old that yells very loud!).

It's not easy and yes, there are days when we don't do anything but eat ice cream and watch t.v., but that's the beauty of being able to do it all from home and so we find that motivation again and keep on working for the future.

So here you will find very creative and easy ideas to keep infant and toddlers busy . What it's like to home school kids, and finally support for those who want to earn a living at home. So Enjoy and do me a favor and ask a question if you have one, I would love to help anyone who is in need.

Quick Search for Toddler Ideas, Baby Games, Homeschooling info, and Cooking

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Toddler 365 Fun: Making homemade lace Shapes

I was looking online this morning on toys for fine motor skills which promote writing skills.  I am using Pamm’s House Curriculum, which by the way is so appropriate for what she needs at her age.  I am thinking of doing a Spanish version, so I’ll keep you posted on that project.

Any who… her curriculum is great for Mandis age level in writing, but I see that I could do more and I needed her to work on her fine motor skills. So I ran across Melissa and Doug products which reminded me of my mats.  I already have these sets, but it gave me an idea to use my place mats and work with her in creating something.  I had recently found these place mats at a thrift store for 25 cents. I knew I would use it eventually for a project and ta da! I found my project.

Using place mats is great because they can be washed and my Charis (9month) can play with them as well.  Not only are they durable but they are very flexible so that Mandis can maneuver the lace through the different shapes.

As you can see... I punched holes just on the sides.  At this age, they only need a small amount of them or else they will get overwhelmed and won't want to do it.

The best part about making your own is that you have full control on how you make them! Big circles, small triangles, three holes, six.  As they grow and master this “toy”, you can add more!

Have fun making your own, just remember the ideas are endless when it comes to finding great stuff at the thrift store.  Always keep an eye out for bargains at yard sales, flea markets, thrift stores, consignment stores, and much more! 

(Don’t forget to wash your items, if needed, with bleach and water and let dry at least a day in the sun.)

If you want to go ahead and purchase lace shapes, I suggest Melissa and Doug products, they come in a variety and are very durable, vibrant in color, big, and affordable.  I’ve added what I  have for Mandis below and have included Melissa’s products so you can see the selection.  They were my first set that I ever got for Elijah and he still uses them as of today. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Very Easy (Really!) Multi-Tabs for blogger

I finally found this very easy way of putting the multi- tab that you see on my blog.  I kept having to deal with css this, jquery that, replace here, html there.  This tab allows you to put as many tabs as you want. (I refer you to a different site for the themes.. if you only want 3 tabs with no pictures or widgets inside them… just use his form.)

This one is a an easy 2 step process. !!~First Save your template~!!


Ok now….

Step 1. Getting the Multi-Tab into your page.

1. Go to your Edit HTML on your design page in Blogger.


2. Find (Ctr+F on Chrome)  </head>


3. Paste The Following BEFORE </head>

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

Like this:


You can go here and get the different looks (themes) that better match your page or blog. The only thing you will need to change is where the “href=’……text/css’/> to the new theme link.

4. Save Template

Step 2. Changing the info inside the tabs.

1. Go to your Design page.


2. Add a Gadget (HTML)


3. Copy and Paste into the box (leave the title blank).  In step 3.2. I will explain what the colors mean.

<div id="tabs">
<ul><li><a href="#tabs-1">Terms Of Use</a></li><li><a href="#tabs-2">Archive</a></li><li><a href="#tabs-3">About Me</a></li></ul>
<div id="tabs-1">YOUR TEXT</div>
<div id="tabs-2"><div class="widget-content">
<div id="ArchiveList">
<div id="BlogArchive1_ArchiveList">
<ul class="flat">
<li class="archivedate">
<a href="">April</a> (5)
<li class="archivedate">
<a href="">March</a> (18)
<li class="archivedate">
<a href="">February</a> (10)
<li class="archivedate">
<a href="">January</a> (3)
<div class="clear"></div>
<span class="widget-item-control">
<span class="item-control blog-admin">
<a class="quickedit" href=";widgetType=BlogArchive&amp;widgetId=BlogArchive1&amp;action=editWidget&amp;sectionId=sidebar-left-1" onclick="return _WidgetManager._PopupConfig(document.getElementById(&quot;BlogArchive1&quot;));" target="configBlogArchive1" title="Edit">
<img alt="" height="18" src="" width="18" />
<div class="clear"
<div id="tabs-3"><a href=""><img src="" height="144" width="102" /></a>Hi, my name sis zaida and along with my husband we are in the Military (Army) traveling from one city to another. We are from California and are living in El Paso for the time being.  I home school Elijah and soon Elizah. I tot school Amanda and soon Sarah.  I teach through playing with all which is why you'll find a lot of learn through playing stuff on this blog. Be sure to let me know you stopped by, by commenting or visiting me on <a href="">Facebook</a>. Enjoy and God bless!</div></div>


  • Green are the tabs… the more tabs you add the more you will have.  Just follow the pattern. (If you are not clear with that.. please ask me on facebook. <---------- Click here.
  • Red is what’s going to go inside…. Google what you want such as “labels for blogger, archives, video html for blogger.”
  • Remember to open and close your tags (<div></div>) when ever adding new tabs. For pictures…

You start with <a href=  then this is the link where you photo is stored at:

""><img src="" height="144" width="102" this is the height />

Then you close with </a>

4. Save and then move your multi-tab widget where you want to in your design page.


Save and your done!!! Remember, if you saved your template… you can always reset and try and try again. Practice makes perfect.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Toddler 365 Fun: Sprinkle the Grass

It’s getting hot, were playing outside more often and we need activities that will actually work that are easy and fun!  Well, at least I need that, with a baby and three small ones.  I created a workstation outside as I do inside so that they can be occupied with a learning environment while playing outdoors.

Here was my first project which I found to be a long-attention-span-pleaser

The kids played with these bottles for about one hour! As usual…. it was fast and easy.  Just prepare before hand by saving your half gallons and gallon milk jugs.  (I saved more half gallons than the gallon size because my toddler plays outside more than usual.  She’s an outdoorsy girl.  The gallons would be too heavy.)

Your Toddler will learn:  Hand-Eye Coordination


  • Poke holes in the bottom of a large plastic bottle.
  • Go outside with your toddler and talk about the grass, the flowers and all the things in your yard.  (Even if you have dirt for your back yard. Mud can be an interesting topic. Smile)
  • Fill the plastic bottle with water from the hose and tell your child where to sprinkle water.


I asked Mandis (2 yrs. old) to sprinkle the slide, grass, the sidewalk, the flowers, etc.  Each time she understood my directions, I praised her.


  • Sing to the tune of “This old Man” as they sprinkle.

Sprinkle time, sprinkle time,

Now it’s time for sprinkle time.

With a shake, shake, shaky shake,

Water everywhere.

Sprinkle time is here again.


Now go out there and have fun!! When you come back from a nice exhausting activity, you may want to read them these books:

Today with Brain Pop: (Health) Fire Drill

Hi! Today we had a fun one, when isn’t it fun.  Elijah even mentioned how he loved Moby (the Robot).  Here are a few pictures of what we ventured off into at Brain Pop.


first we have a movie (which by the way… I love the song, it’s been a common routine to dance at the intro):

Scenes of BrainPopJr

Scenes of BrainPopJr

Today’s Main Idea:


Today’s Game… Here is the intro and here are the cards, the idea is to have the child with the mouse sort the steps of a fire drill. Elijah had so much fun figuring it out.




You also have it’s quiz… Easy or Hard.  For Elijah I like to make it easy so he enjoys this program while learning.


Finally before Elijah got tired, he got to write a short sentence.  The writing section question:


So this week we’ll be getting some fire related books.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Preschool 365 Bible: (Moments with God)The Why and How

Hi guys, I  have been wanting to do this for a VERY long time.. I just haven't gotten around to it because I didn’t know how to post it.  You see I do these little “Moments with God” sessions with my kids everyday.  It is just a simple thing I do that I don’t have much to photo blog about and I didn’t know how to go about posting it. I wanted it to be just as simple as I do it at home.

So here’s the intro, the middle, and the end.  Smile 

These entries that I will start doing are not intended to be lengthy… They should just  be moments you have with your child from your daily routine.  Something you can easily say (remembered), do (if you need/want to) and read.


1. The main idea (what you will be mentioning).

2. Print or Activity to go along with the main idea (Sometimes it will be something you can just draw while talking to your child).

3. Where the Bible mentions this idea(Addiel reads these passages for their bedtime routine).

I started this with Elijah at 2 years old, so it can be done from that age and up.  The stories will go along with each prior story, (Day 1, Day 2, etc.) so the kids will know what you are talking about.  You can pick up on  any day, but it’s best if you just start from the beginning.

This is one of many methods I introduce the Word to our kids, we sing, play, draw, read, talk, and much more about God.  It’s really a way of life, but sometimes (if you’re are anything like me) you just don’t know how to explain it. 

I hope you are blessed with what I share and know that every moment can be a God moment. Smile

Toddler 365 Fun: Pudding Paint

Snack Time!!  It was 10 o’clock and what did we do? We did some creative play.  You can get yourself some INSTANT pudding and make yourself a snack while enjoying your toddler’s creative play time. 

Elijah (5yrs old) had the day off of homeschool today so I asked if he could MEASURE for me. 

Get you some paper bags from the grocery store… I have made it a habit to ask for paper instead of plastic.  Now I always have great construction paper handy.

Make sure the paint brushes are only used for food art.  I keep a set in my kitchen drawer and label them “kitchen”.


Glob a bunch on each child’s section and let them just create.  Some kids don’t like to get messy but the more you involve them with this type of art, the more they will let go and start IMAGINING and PRETENDING which helps get their creativity going.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Toddler 365 Fun: Painting and Pretending with Jell-O

You can do this with just about any unit you are currently working with.  This activity is so much fun for your toddler and you, because the clean up is amazingly easy.

Make sure you plan this the day prior. I usually get all of my items ready on the weekend so all I have to do is get them out for Mandis the day of.
Some questions you can ask for this activity to increase vocabulary is:
1. How does this feel?  Squishy, soft, hard, wiggly?
2. Is it cold or hot?
If your planning on mixing colors for the science affect:
1. What color can you make when you combine blue and red? (try preparing two colors at a time, per activity)
2. “I’m mixing yellow and red, what will I make?”
Place these globs of each color on a tabletop, highchair tray, plastic or paper plate, or other smooth surface.  Your child will have fun pushing, squeezing, pouring, plopping about with this tasty activity, and eating it won’t hurt her a bit!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Smoothie Time: Pear and Strawberry Smoothie


It’s been a while since I’ve posted a smoothie.  I just got a new shipment of pollen and flax seed in from California.  I had to try them with my fresh strawberries that I bought from Sams.  Smile  Kid’s it’s Moothdy Time!

This one even the baby had a sip of. I omitted the French Vanilla, (which by the way, I have a new favorite. Instead of Coffee Mate try International.  It’s richer in taste.)


Note: And just remember, this is not intended so you can follow it to a “T”.  If you don’t have pears, add apples.  If you don’t have strawberries, add blue berries. I just enjoy being able to have the kids enjoy the taste of fresh food.


Ingredients: (Add ingredients in the order as mentioned)

  • 2 tbsp. Vanilla Coffee Creamer
  • 1 tbsp. flax seed
  • 1 tbsp. Pollen (You can get your pollen at your local honey farm or natural food store)
  • 1 Vanilla Yogurt
  • 1 cup of Strawberries
  • 1/2 Banana
  • 1 Pear
  • 1 cup of ice
Side note:  I’ve found that the seeds don’t grind up as well as the Vita-Mix so you can also omit if your using a regular blender.

This smoothie has a such a nice nutty and berry taste. Love the subtle taste. Enjoy!

Spring is here!!

Well at least in our home. Smile  I basked in the sun and the thought that I would be able to let them out to enjoy themselves out in the fresh grass, not to mention being able to have the home to myself (for clean up of course) while still being able to hear them outdoors. 

This year, Mandis is going to be three and it’s going to be exciting yet interesting to see how well they will get along having one extra person to play with, even though Mandis is as short as a 1 year old.  Awe, my little Mandis.

I had to take my first spring pictures for the year.  This was their first actual afternoon playing with the new swings we set up for them.  We even had the neighbor girls come over. It’s great to see that there are still nice kids that the kids can play with.

Awe, spring.. can’t wait for the water projects, outdoor activities and new adventures. Bring it on 2011!


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